The Painted Bird makes for an evocative adaptation of Jerzy Kosiński’s acclaimed 1965 novel of the same name. Shot in black-and-white on meticulous 35mm film, The Painted Bird follows the Boy, a character who wanders through primitive Eastern Europe during the bloody end of World War II. The Boy struggles for survival. From village to village, farmhouse to farmhouse, he arrives at scenes of cruelty.
Embracing the ugly heritage of war, Kosiński’s The Painted Bird is a heart-wrenching and mesmerising tale. This journey leads us to the very heart of the dark human soul and yet behind it, is a script of deep sincerity and lingering sensitivity. The cruelty stands out, but compassion is shown on multiple, touching levels.
The Painted Bird is co-presented with the Jewish International Film Festival (JIFF) to be screened in March.